Best minds in the Legal Technology & Innovation 2022

KLST Customer-Centric Services – Accelerate Digital Transformation
At the end of 2021, we completed 18+ years of customer excellence developing 20+ enterprise SharePoint Intranet & Extranet portals and web applications on Microsoft .NET, Microsoft SharePoint, and Salesforce platform integrated with SuccessFactors, SAP, NetDocuments, iManage, Elite, Aderant, Handshake, Interaction, LexisNexis, Kony, Symphony, and many more enterprise platforms.
We completed 150+ enterprise systems integration projects for over customers worldwide in 2021. We entered the gateway of metaverse this year analyzing the concept of building the virtual workspace in metaverse with Microsoft tools to promote ultimate employee collaboration.
We completed enterprise systems integration projects for over customers worldwide in 2021.
Watch to know more about KLST! Schedule a demo with us today to understand how we can help your firm accelerate digital transformation using our award-winning consulting services capabilities. Learn more –

netDocShare – View, Search, or Sync NetDocuments content securely in any web app
netDocShare is an innovative solution designed for AMLAW firms and Corporate general counsels using NetDocuments DMS to View, Edit, Search, or Sync NetDocuments content in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint & OneDrive for Business. netDocShare Sync was launched this year providing Law-Firm users the ability to synchronize NetDocuments with their Microsoft Teams “Files” tab, Microsoft SharePoint Document Library & List Attachments, and OneDrive for Business Document Library files.
Watch the latest features of netDocShare. Schedule a demo with us today! Learn more –

imDocShare – View, Search, or Sync iManage content securely in any web app
imDocShare is an innovative solution designed for AMLAW firms and corporate general counsels using iManage DMS to View, Edit, Search, or Sync iManage Work Server 10.2+ & iManage Cloud content in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft SharePoint, OneDrive for Business. imDocShare Sync was launched this year providing the ability to synchronize iManage Work Server 10.2+ & iManage Cloud content with your Microsoft Teams “Files” tab, Microsoft SharePoint Document Library, and Microsoft OneDrive for Business Document Library files.
Watch the latest features of imDocShare. Schedule a demo with us today! Learn more

Legal101 – A modern ‘intelligent’ Law Firm intranet
Legal101 is a modern digital workplace platform designed for Law Firms looking for rapid deployment of a fully responsive mobile-first intranet portal within a couple of weeks that accelerates employee productivity and draws more value from their investment in Microsoft SharePoint & Office365. Legal101 features a Lawyer dashboard with data visualization tools to gain data intelligence for Law Firms. Legal101 comes with a lot of features such as Actionable alerts, Firm Calendar, Firm Directory, Guided Search, and much more to customize based on your Firm’s needs.
Watch the latest features of Legal101. Schedule a demo with us today to understand how firms are modernizing their workplace with Legal101. Learn more –

KLoBot – The future of Conversational AI and Virtual Assistants into your is here
KLoBot is a Legal DIY Chatbot Builder Platform with Machine Learning capabilities and specially designed for business users to create no-code chatbots within minutes. KLoBot-enabled chatbots can be deployed easily on your favorite channels along with pre-built connectors for SharePoint, ServiceNow, Salesforce, NetDocuments, iManage, SQL, Elite, Twilio, and many more!
Watch how KLoBot enables to build a virtual support employee chatbot. Schedule a demo with us today! Learn more –