KLST Office 365

Microsoft 365 Valuation vs Current State

KLST has helped organizations worldwide to migrate to Microsoft 365. However, migration requires defining a sound cloud strategy as well as defining a set of methods, models, and tools that would help with effective cloud strategy and planning (prior to execution/actual migration). Find below KLST approach to Microsoft 365 Strategy Valuation vs. Current State:

  • Profile Capabilities:
    • Determine the current state of capability maturity leveraging IOT Maturity Tools
    • Execute Risk Analysis Method with corresponding assessments and remediation steps
    • Profile the capability asset portfolios of information, technology, and processes and analyze by architectural fit, risk, and readiness
  • Recommend Deployment Patterns:
    • Research capability proved practices and market direction
    • Define target cloud capability requirements
    • Determine optimal cloud service and deployment patterns for the capabilities based on fit, value, and risk
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